May Be Time To Redesign Your Site If It’s Older Than 5 Yrs

Time For A Redesign
If your website is more than 5 years old or has that dated look about it, it may be time for a redesign. Ohana Digital can help you through the process. We can redesign a tired logo, rewrite content that isn’t performing well, and build out a responsive website with search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) best practices and contemporary designs.
New Logo
When getting a brand-new website, it may be time to rebrand your logo and business. At Ohana Digital we have award winning graphic designers that will make your updated logo come to life. Whether you want to keep some facet of your old logo for sentimental reasons, or you want a brand-new idea for your logo, our graphic designers will work on your vision until you are happy with the results. Once you choose the logo you love, Ohana Digital will assist you with whatever print marketing you need. We can have your business cards, infographics, signage, letterheads, and more designed with your new logo.
New Branding
Now that your logo is done. It’s time to start completing the new website. Ohana Digital will brand your website with the new logo. And the new content will be added, keeping content that was driving traffic to your website. We will build pages according to your taxonomy of your business. And add pages where needed. Your new website will be user friendly, mobile responsive, and up to date with all the current best practices for drawing traffic to your site.
Digital Marketing
Now that your site has been rebuilt, it’s time to start a marketing campaign to optimize your website to the best of its abilities. We will also suggest security for your site. We use Pantheon when we build your site so that you always have a backup if your site ever gets hacked or goes down for any reason. It will be business as usual for your website. With our Digital Marketing Contract we provide website maintenance, branding campaigns, social marketing, and SEO (search engine optimization).
Get In Touch
Ohana Digital is a premier Digital Marketing Agency in the Greater Philadelphia Area, the Honolulu, Hawaii Area and everywhere in between. Contact us through our website, email, or phone number for a free consultation!